Fun but ridiculous on higher difficulty
This is fun, but playing through on even medium difficulty and suddenly several of the AI vehicles, even on races where you all have the same car, accelerate MUCH faster, can suddenly corner at speeds higher than your car can, and will come flying up on you and start ramming you. Pretty much all contact with other cars slows you down and leaves them either unaffected or speeds them up. For example, I just finished a race where an AI car rammed me from behind, resulting in me losing most of my momentum and the AI car gaining momentum and flying past me. If I do the same to an AI car, I lose momentum. This gets annoying. It turns this into more of an arcade game than a simulation, which isn’t what I’m looking for. Without the crazy AI cars, it would get an easy five stars from me.
rosembanks about Real Racing 2, v1.13.30