No Qualifying = Cheap Grindfest
In addition to my previous complaints, the latest update messes up the aspect ratio and lighting. The developers website is no longer available for support so this has now totally become a cash grab based on outdated reviews with an unsupported product.
I used to recommend Real Racing 2 to people who wanted to experience a racing game based on somewhat realistic driving physics with practices and qualifying, and no free to play baggage.
Theyve removed a key feature to that, which is qualifying. Without the ability to practice and qualify, youre forced to fight from the back of the pack no matter how good you are, which forces you to outspend your opponents to get a car that laps them without trying rather than having a good, tough race on even ground with a worthy opponent.
Now all thats left of RR2 is a game with reasonably believable physics, fake tracks, and old graphics.
I suspect EA detected players migrating away from RR3 in search of good racing and worked in an update to make sure there were no longer any key features to keep players from spending time on the IAP treadmill of RR3.
If youre a someone interested in motorsport in general, I would recommend checking out some of the rally focused games available on the App Store (like Rush Rally 2) instead, and pick up a console or PC game to get your tarmac fix because unfortunately there arent any good track racing games without the worst aspects of free to play left for iOS.
narrow soul about Real Racing 2, v1.13.30